At River Oaks, our mission is to Saturate Murfreesboro with the love of Jesus. We do this by making disciples of Jesus Christ through Saturated Worship, Saturated Community, and Saturated Service. We say it this way: “Love God and Love Others.” It is our passion to create a church that reflects heaven on earth.
We are a group of disciples of Jesus Christ focused on living the life Jesus has called us to live empowered by the Holy Spirit.
We are a nondenominational, self-sufficient, and autonomous church. In everything we do, we strive to exemplify our 5 H’s. They best describe our personality:

The Bible is the highest doctrinal authority for River Oaks. The following biblical beliefs serve as our confession of faith.
We believe there is only one true God, who eternally exists as a Trinity of equally divine persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.(1) Each member of the Trinity thinks, acts, feels, speaks, and relates, because each is a person and not an impersonal force. Each member of the Trinity is equally God, sharing all the divine attributes.(2) Because love and community flow from the Trinity to us through the Holy Spirit, we seek to live in loving community with God and others.
We believe that God reveals Himself to everyone everywhere through general revelation.(3) We believe it is only by special revelation that anyone comes to a saving knowledge of God.(4) We believe God has supremely revealed Himself through Jesus Christ, the Son of God and his incarnate Word. We believe that all of the divinely Holy Spirit inspired, inerrant, authoritative, sixty-six canonical books of the Bible reveal to us Jesus Christ.(5) Because God is a loving Father who speaks, we seek to hear from Him and test everything by the Word of God.
We believe that God created the heavens and the earth out of nothing, and lovingly prepared them as a home in which to worship and enjoy Him.(6) Everything in creation and history is dependent upon God and is only good when functioning according to his intentions. God, the author and subject of history, will bring history to an end and create a new heaven and a new earth.(7) Because God is our Creator we worship Him alone and enjoy his creation gladly.
We believe that in love God created the first human beings, Adam and Eve, as male and female, equal in dignity, value, and worth, in order to mirror and reflect God as an act of worship and obedience. We believe that human beings, as God’s sole image bearers, are under God and over lower creation, not to be pulled up like gods or pushed down like animals.(8) We believe that human life begins at conception and that an unborn baby is an image-bearer of God.(9) We believe that God created marriage solely for one man and one woman, and created sex only for married couples.(10) Because God created human life and marriage, we value the sanctity of life and godly marriage.
We believe that God created this world in a perfect state.(11) In Eden, Satan tempted Eve to mistrust God’s word, and she was deceived.(12) The sin committed by Adam, also called “original sin,” has been imputed to all human beings except Jesus Christ.(13) All human beings are sinners by both nature and choice.(14) All fallen people are by nature sinners, children of wrath, and destined to death.(15) Because we are sinners in need of a Savior and new nature, we trust in Jesus Christ alone for new and eternal life and believe in the reality of spiritual warfare with Satan and demons.
We believe that God makes and keeps his covenant promises.(16) God’s covenants reveal his loving grace and mercy, because although people deserve nothing but condemnation, God gives gracious, covenantal salvation. Because God has welcomed us into eternal covenant relationship, we seek to live in gracious loving relationship with Him and others.
We believe that the eternal Son of God and second person of the Trinity became flesh, adding humanity to his divinity, and entered into human history as the God-Man, Jesus Christ.(17) Jesus alone is one person with two natures, fully God and fully man. Jesus Christ is the Word, or Logos, of God because he is the personal, eternally existing Creator of the universe, distinct from, yet equal with the Father and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ was miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem to redeem sinful man as the only mediator between God and man.(18) We believe that Jesus Christ, during the Incarnation, laid aside the continual exercise of his divine attributes and lived his sinless life by the power of the Holy Spirit.(19) Because He is both our Savior and example, we deeply love Jesus Christ and seek to live with and like Him by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus Christ lived a perfectly righteous and sinless life, died in the place of sinners, fully absorbing the wrath of God, paying the just penalty for their sins and reconciling them to God.(20) As our substitute, on the cross Jesus Christ suffered and died in our place to forgive us, love us, cleanse us, and embrace us as the punishment for our sins was diverted from us to Jesus.(21) Because Jesus died for our sins we seek to humbly confess our sins to Jesus Christ and one another, put sin to death in our life, forgive one another, and happily invite others to do the same.
We believe that Jesus Christ, after dying on the cross, arose bodily from the grave on the third day, appearing to many witnesses and proving that he was physically alive.(22) Through faith we are united with the risen Christ, raised with Christ, and granted the same Holy Spirit power that raised Christ.(23) The benefits of Jesus’ resurrection include the forgiveness of sins, justification, sanctification, and ultimately glorification.(24) We believe that justification through the work of Jesus Christ is possible by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone.(25) His righteousness is imparted to us at the time of saving faith, simultaneous with our justification, and brings us new life by the Holy Spirit, who regenerates us with a new nature and begins sanctifying us to become increasingly more like Jesus.(25) Because Jesus is alive forever, we confidently trust that one day we will likewise rise from our grave to live together as God’s people with Him forever.
We believe that the local church is a community of regenerated believers who confess Jesus Christ as Lord, and that the universal church is comprised of all God’s people in all times and places.(27) In obedience to Scripture, Christians organize under qualified leadership, gather regularly for preaching and worship, observe the sacraments of baptism and Communion, are unified by the Spirit in love, are corrected for holiness, and scatter to fulfill the great commandment and the great commission as missionaries to the world.(28) Because we are members of God’s universal church, we partner with other Christian local churches and ministries for Kingdom ministry and are devoted to building up our local church family.
We believe that human beings, made in the image of God the Trinity (who is Himself a worshiping community), are unceasing worshipers created to continually outpour all they are, all they do, and all they can ever become to God. Worship includes praise, proclamation, service, participation, sacrifice, and submission.(29) We believe that the corporate worship of a local church is to be God-centered.(30) We believe that the corporate church worship should include Bible preaching, the sacraments, prayer, Scripture reading, financial giving, and singing and music.(31) Because we are worshippers, we embrace all of life, including our corporate church gatherings, as an opportunity to passionately worship God in practical ways.
We believe that Christians are to be stewards who gladly acknowledge that they belong to the Lord, that everything they have belongs to the Lord, and that everything ultimately belongs to the Lord.(32) Stewards should value both work and Sabbath so that their time and energy are well managed.(33) We believe that all spiritual gifts are a special grace of the Holy Spirit, given to us at our new birth to serve the mission of Jesus, and continue to the present age.(34) Because God has been generous to us, we seek to love and serve others as generous and wise stewards for God.
We believe that God created humans with a spirit and body tightly joined together.(35) Death is not normal or natural, but an enemy, the consequence of sin.(36) Death is the tearing apart of these two intertwined parts and the cessation of life on this earth. The body goes to the grave and the spirit goes to face judgment before God.(37) Upon Jesus’ second coming, there will be a bodily resurrection for everyone, to either eternal salvation or condemnation.(38) The time between Jesus’ resurrection and our resurrection is a lengthy ministry season of love, grace, and mercy as news of the gospel goes forth, inviting sinners to repent of sin and enjoy the present and future salvation of Jesus Christ.(39) Because our eternal home is in the Kingdom of God, as we journey home our mission is to joyfully invite others to join us while we throw parties, have fun, and make friends to practice for eternity.

With Pastor Sean, it’s all about Jesus! He is a spiritual leader and gifted teacher, but at his core, he is a disciple of Jesus and family man – a husband and father. Sean and his wife Cassie have been married and doing ministry together since 2009 and, along with their four kids, started at River Oaks in 2023.
Pastor Sean was trained and developed for fifteen years at 12Stone Church in Georgia where he served as the Teaching Pastor. He is ordained through both the Wesleyan and Baptist denominations.
With a Christian Ministries degree in exegetical theology from Indiana Wesleyan University, he has spent many years teaching a light-expository method through books of the Bible, contextualizing its timeless truths and never shying away from challenging, convicting passages that speak to the heart of current cultural dilemmas.
Our Process
Worship isn’t something you do, it’s something you are.
Worship = worth-ship
Everyone finds something that they feel is “worth” their time, talent and treasure and they pour into it. That’s worship. Saturated worship means loving God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. The first step in our process is to Saturate yourself in Worship during our weekend services. We have specific areas designated for your entire family.
We’re not trying to gather a big crowd at River Oaks. We are building disciples of Jesus Christ. This means that as disciples of Jesus, we are strongest when pursuing Jesus with one another. We do community through Life Groups. Life groups aren’t for perfect people, but for imperfect people trying to navigate life to become more like Jesus. This is where we get connected in relationship, learn about the Bible, and let God transform our hearts and renew our minds.
We believe in being honest and transparent so we can come alongside those we are choosing to do life with. When we choose to allow other disciples of Jesus into our lives, we build bonds that the enemy cannot easily break (Ecclesiastes 4:9–12).
We strongly believe in showing Jesus’ love through giving generously to our community. That’s why our mission is to Saturate Murfreesboro with the love of Jesus. This isn’t complicated. We believe we are called to feed people, serve our schools, help our first responders, and just generally make Murfreesboro a better place to live for all. The Bible teaches that a commitment to Jesus is a commitment to love your neighbor as yourself.
We work together through church-wide community service projects to get outside of the church walls and show love to our friends and neighbors. Ten percent of our annual budget is given away to local missions.